We are running a promotion up tp 100 Gbps DCI connectivity requirement at our own operating nodes. Check out now!

Connect to Malaysia's Internet Exchange Through X86 Network

Strong connectivity forms the foundation of every digital enterprise. We can directly link you to both local and international Internet service providers through our gateway, enhancing your network's efficiency in routing, reducing latency, and boosting cost-effectiveness.

X86 Network offers a direct connection to MyIX, Malaysia's pioneer neutral Internet exchange. Our presence in most data centres in Cyberjaya, host all domestic and over 80% of foreign telecom carriers operating in Malaysia.

Directly linking to telecommunication carriers and content providers through X86 Network maintains Internet traffic on local pathways, guaranteeing data takes the most efficient route to reach users.

Malaysia Internet Exchange acts as the focal point connecting local and international Internet service providers (ISPs) and content providers for seamless Internet traffic exchange.

By connecting with X86 Network, you gain direct peering benefits with MyIX, enhancing your connectivity.

Start now by reaching out to our awesome team!